Taken a couple days ago. They always look better in winter.
1/1000, f6.3, iso1600, 600mm
Any comments appreciated.
Taken a couple days ago. They always look better in winter.
1/1000, f6.3, iso1600, 600mm
Any comments appreciated.
I really like the directional lighting in this image, Dan, znd I applaud your restraint in bringing up the shadows. I’m afraid most of us are guilty of that sin far too often and it would have destroyed the mystery in this image. Well done.
Beautifully composed image, well exposed. Agree with Dennis on the shadows. Love it ! Cheers, Hans
Exquisite point of view. I like the light but I might drop the saturation of the greens a tiny bit. Wonderful eye detail.
Hi Dan,
I like this one as presented–great color and an excellent BG. Do you shoot from a blind? I’ve never had wood ducks get very close unless they are a well fed zoo animal…Jim
Pin sharp, and those colors are to die for. I agree that you treated the shadows just right. Gives an edge to the photo.