Most Cooperative Woodie

Another from January 1st. This one kept coming closer until the angle was getting way too steep. This one might be a bit high already, but it did bring out the blues on the back. Just a simple portrait, though I did like the water more in this one than the last.

Self Critique (click to reveal)

I think the angle is a bit steep and I may have gone too far with saturation. Some action would have been nice, but I did like the head turn.

Technical Details

Sony A1, FE 200-600 @ 321 mm, monopod, f/6.3, 1/1250, iso 3200. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 6540x4332. Brightness and saturation adjustments to the duck applied through a TK darks 1 luminosity mask.

Beautiful capture of this wood duck, Dennis. The pose, colors and detail are spot on IMHO. Love the detail in the water ripples and how they frame the duck.

The cool thing here, Dennis is that he is turning his head back to prune, but he’s keeping his eye ahead, likely keeping an eye on the mate? I also love the water drops in the air above him. I do feel the water might be a touch too bright. I downloaded and darkened the whole thing with a minor curves adjustment. The water colors popped. Of course that rough treatment also darkened the bird too much…Lovely looking Wood Duck. I am hoping to get to a local park this Friday to photograph a few of these beautiful birds.

Wood Ducks are always aesthetically pleasing and I think you have the colors about right. I could see a tad more room on the left and maybe the top, but as a portrait maybe okay.

Hi Dennis
Even with the higher angle I would have taken the shot, (it show off the Wood Ducks super wing coloring),and as for the overall saturation I think it works. Nice head turn.

Hi Dennis,

Wood duck colors look pretty good. It is frustrating when the only way to get a better angle is to go for a swim. Comp is pretty tight, but works well for a brightly colored wood duck drake. Well done…Jim

Hi Dennis,

I like how it uses its back as a pillow to rest its head on. I’ve seen that with many of the ducks here on the east coast.

Beautiful shot and colors!