Wisconsin River

I made this picture on New Years Day around sunset. I wanted to make at least one picture that day so I headed down to the Wisconsin River which is only about a mile from my home. There were a lot of pieces of ice flowing down the river so I decided to use a long exposure (30 sec) and see how it looked. I knew it would leave some streaks in the water and also capture a little cloud movement. With the use of a 6 stop ND filter I managed to get the30 seconds I wanted. Now I’m thinking even longer might have been better but I was still happy with it. This bridge was built I believe in 1932 and now due to be replaced in 2028. The red light at the end flashes to draw attention to the solid rock wall and I thought it best just to leave it in the shot because it is there for a good reason. Any thoughts welcome. Hope I will be able to get on here a little more in this new year. Thank you, Nick
Red Light clone out below.
Canon 5DMK4, 16-35 f/4 L lens @ 26mm, ISO 50, F/16, 30 sec.

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Glorious light in the sky and river reflection Nick. No nits from me.

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Cool shot! (pun intended)…Really though, I think a long exposure was a good call and treats this scene very nicely. The details are nicely sharp and all parts seem to be in focus. For someone who is not familiar with the scene, I am unable to resolve the exact nature of the red light (is it a stop light?), so it serves as somewhat of a distraction due to my lack of knowledge of the area. That said, I really like the overall feel of the image and consider it pleasing to look at. Well done, thanks for sharing, and congratulations on getting out on New Years Day! I won’t say I was as successful!

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Quite nice, Nick. The long exposure works well and it the image has a peaceful feel. I agree with Jim about the red light. It really jumps out at me and holds my attention there.

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I love how the long exposure came out in the sky, enhancing what otherwise might be not that interesting a sky. I also like the sweeping lines and shapes in the river and ice. Processing looks great exposure, contrast and WB all good. I have to agree with @Jim_McGovern about the red light, it’s small and it just doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of the image, so to me it’s a minor distraction.

While I like it as presesnted in color (the cool/warm thing is nice) I think this could also work pretty well as a B&W conversion, given the graphic shapes in the image. But either, very nicely done.

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Eva, Jim, Harley, Ed , Thanks for your thoughts on this. I appreciate getting them. I too thought the red light and reflection was a distraction but left it in because this image is for a tourism project I’m working on and it needed to stay as is. I did a new version I’ll include here with some cloning done and I like it better this way as well.
Ed, I think I will try a b&w version because that might work nicely as you mentioned.
Thanks All, Nick

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Nick, the long exposure works very well as it smooths the water and the clouds while showing their motion. The old bridge is quite striking and your lead-in view, with it’s reflections, is very attractive. I find the difference between the two versions striking, with the “lightless version” being more peaceful and reflective. I really like the light as it’s a surprise that adds something extra to the story by making it clear that this is an active bridge and not just a nostalgic view.

Mark, Thanks much! I appreciate your thoughts on this. Good to know! Cheers, Nick

Nick, the second post without the light conveys the calmness of this scene indeed better to me. Like with so many of your images you make me feel like standing there, breathing the air. Thanks for sharing!


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Hi Nick,

Excellent image! Great job with the long exposure in smoothing out the ice flows. Considering that flow, I’m wondering if taking a little off the bottom would bring the viewer just a little closer to the river, and of course the bridge. Maybe to right above your name which takes away the non-conforming patch of ice near the bottom edge. Also removes some empty space that your name conveniently occupies… :wink: but not a huge deal though.

As far as the red light. I think both versions work. Yeah, initially it was a distraction for me. But even before reading your follow up comments, I thought the light helped tell a story of the bridge - somehow. Most certainly it needs to stay for any tourism project or for public display. Of course as a straight river and bridge winter landscape, the image works beautifully without the red light.

Beautifully seen and captured.


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Hi Peter, Thanks so much! I enjoyed making that image and I’m glad you like it. I spent time on Sunday looking through your book (Experiences) again so much enjoyed it. Really some wonderful images throughout that book. Thanks, Nick

Hi Lon, Thank You! I always enjoy your thoughtful feed back and I’m glad you like the image. I’ll look into that crop suggestion as well as it might make it better. Cheers, Nick