There are two images here taken consecutively. Very bright sun. Both images are approximately 40% of full frame. Hope they aren’t too saturated? Minimal processing in both. No cloning. Perhaps I could use a little more room on the left hand side of both frames. I tried using content aware fill but they looked weird.
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ISO 640, 500 mm PF, F7 .1, 1250th, Nikon D 500
Wonderful captures! I agree with @Allen_Brooks. If there is more blue water in the second with a slightly looser crop, you might try that with a slightly higher exposure or lightening the darkest tones, to achieve the lighting of the first. If the whites get too hot, starting with a linear profile might be good.
If I were to snag a Wood Duck shot like either one of these I would put a big check mark next to Wood Duck on my list of birds that I lust to get a nice photo. Absolutely superb. I would not change a thing!