The Woodfrogs started their mating season in my backyard pond last weekend. This view is of pair where the male (smaller, on top) is still calling even though he’s in amplexus with the female (larger, below). The male’s bloated sides and the spray of drops show the start of his mating call, even though he’s already paired. (R5, 100-400 @ 400, 1/250 s, f/11, iso 800 tripod)
Amazing capture, Mark. You’ve clearly study their mating habits, but how long did you sit there watching until they came along? Such patience. Based on your shutter speed, were they going along fairly fast? Just curious.
Great shot and funny story, Mark. Well done.
@linda_mellor Linda, the small frogs (who gather in a group to chorus) get pretty frantic. A slow, low profile approach and quiet sit will silence them for maybe 15 minutes but then the action restarts. They swim about, but not real fast, so a moderately fast shutter speed (1/250 and above) freezes most of the action. The calls are quick, a “chunk” that lasts for about as long as it takes to say that word, so the challenge is to time getting a call.
Mark, your patience paid off. How nice to have these in your back yard too. Knowing the subject paid off for you as well, it sounds like. Well done.
Amazing catch!! And the BG colors work so well with the frogs! The puffed up pouches are reminiscent of water wings…
Pairing of Woodfrogs beautifully captured!
I really like the circular waves around them, which could be because of their body movement, but it also represents the vibrations from their bodies and mating calls as well.