World's End

I took this image in Iceland last year when hiking with my 5 year old son to see a Glacier in a reasonably remote location near Hofn, Iceland. It was a rough 30 minute drive before we could start the hike and the overall walk was around an hour roundtrip. But witnessing the glacier and some of the broken ice crystals simply blew my mind away. I literally felt like I was standing at the world’s end. With my son accompanying me, it was a real special moment.

In terms of the image itself, I was just trying to create an impression of scale with my son in the foreground.

Any feedback (composition, idea, editing) is welcome!

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Amith, the presence of your son really makes this view. I like the long sensuous stretch of lake and the chunk of ice in the foreground. The weekly challenge operates on a theme for the week. This week’s theme is “at the edge” and this view would fit well with the lake shore edge being so prominent.

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Amith: Great shot. It looks like he’s looking at a sand castle made of snow. Makes me want to go there. >=))>

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Thanks a lot, Bill. It is so calm and silent out there. Feels like a different world.

Thanks a lot, Mark. Appreciate your feedback.