Yellow gum trees in mist

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

The first thing I like about this image are the different tones of blue and green in the image, which I feel all work well together. I also like the range of different trees captured in the image, from the pencil pines in the right to the twisted gum in the left.
I am unsure if the image is captivating in the sense that I am unsure if the viewer knows where to look in this image. my intention for composing this image was to allow a viewers eye to explore the different shapes and forms of trees in this image, but I feel that the image lacks the depth to merit a viewers exploration of the frame, which I feel is what needs to be improved.

Creative direction

in this image I was first trying to convey a sense of calm, peace and stillness. These were the emotions I hoped to convey upon initially looking at the image. I also wanted to convey a sense of curiosity and exploration at the different trees in the image as the viewer further looks at the image.

Specific Feedback

I would like feedback on the aesthetic and emotional qualities of my image. Thank you!

Technical Details

Technical Details:
Aperture: f/11
Shutter Speed: 1/25
ISO: 100
Focal length: 70mm (on full frame)

For the post processing methods of this image, I left the white balance as shot and reduced the overall exposure slightly. I added a slight amount of clarity to the image and increased contrast, other than that there were only minor changes made to the image in Lightroom.


This image was taken on a 5 day hiking trip in central Tasmania. The day before this image was taken, I explored the mountain this image was on and intended to return to it the following morning to try and find a composition with the various trees found on the slope leading up the mountain. I hiked for an hour and a half before sunrise an eventually reached a level part of the mountain side where I took the time to compose this image through thick fog as the sun started to rise, casting a soft blue light through the fog, in which this image was taken.
Thank you for reviewing my image!

I think this is a wonderful image! I love the atmospheric perspective of the fog and how it has isolated the different trees. Being near the top of the fog layer has given wonderful light on the trees. The sharpness of detail really draws me into exploring the image and it definitely evokes a feeling of peacefulness for me. I love the base provided by the smaller bushes at the bottom of the frame. The more distant eucalyptus (looks like the one we call a blue gum?) unifies the pines with the closer gums so nicely.

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The colors and atmosphere are quite nice. To my eye, the composition is effective. The tree in the foreground on the left “points” toward the one on the right, which I see as the main subjects. The rest of the trees are supporting characters and there is a lot to explore as you intended.

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Thank you Diane!

Thank you Dean, I am glad to hear the composition works