What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any? comp OK?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500 200-400mm f4 at 280mm (1/800 sec at f7.1, Iso 320) Levels, DeNoise, Shadows & Highlights, Brightness & Contrast, Crop for Comp. This particular bird was foraging on midges that were present on the alkali flats at Yellowstone Lake. I was hoping for it to perch on one of the nearby snags, but instead, never travelled more than 8 feet from me. So, I went with Plan B and was able to get several reasonable portraits. The BG is the deposit of minerals from the hot springs and it made a bright and interesting BG.
(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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