Young Cheetah at Sunrise

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Returning to camp one evening we saw this young male cheetah climb an ant hill and settle. On returning the next morning, we found him still in place. The cheetah chose an ant hill near our eye level and was facing the sun.

Specific Feedback

Normally, I like to place the subject off center, b ut in this case I think having thesubject centered works. Do you?

Technical Details

1/500, f/7.1 and Auto ISO at 1250
Processed in LRc to desaturate the background a bit and added a vignette to draw attention to the cheetah.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Richard - an excellent image. That face , eyes, and stare is remarkable.
Perfect techs, an interesting choice of “perch”, and the comp for this is great.
Having the head centered works perfectly here, since the body continues to the right.
No the tiniest not from here - very well-done!

Richard, extraordinary light, exceptional depth. Great composition. One of the best I’ve seen you post this year. Beautiful. What a nice mood and look from the cheetah. I can’t think how this could get much better.

Fantastic, and perfect in every respect!! The centered face is wonderful, emphasizing his potential energy that could explode in any direction.

Call me a weirdo but I think I’d like it if the eyes were just a little lower. What a fortuitous capture!

Wonderful subject & great pose !
And love those beaming eyes ! I may prefer to place Cheetah, lower in the frame, may prefer to see more of OOF BG than forground grasses.
Cheers !

The warm, golden light falling on the cheetah adds a beautiful glow to its fur, creating a striking image against the muted background. Centering the cheetah in the frame effectively draws the viewer’s attention straight to its intense, watchful eyes. Richard I think this composition choice works well here, emphasizing the animal’s regal and calm demeanor. The visual balance is maintained despite the central placement, thanks to the way the surrounding elements naturally lead the eye towards the subject. :clap:

Wonderful capture.
The animal is alert and focused on something outside the frame that we can’t see. This adds mystery. The blurred background makes the cheetah stand out.
However, I might suggest that the foreground, in such sharp detail, detracts a bit. I find that the dry grasses that close to the face make my eye wander from the face of the cheetah.
Perhaps by using a linear gradient to blur the foreground a bit (by lowering the clarity and texture) this would make the animal pop from the foreground and background, and keep the focus on the face.
Very engaging image.

Sandy, Ed, Dave, Jagdeep, Diane, Don and Garnet: many thanks for having taken time to look and comment.

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