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There was a little soft light this morning and I sat near the feeders for a while, with some luck. I thought the stray feather was a cute touch.
Specific Feedback
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Technical Details
Light was a little brighter today, with dappled light coming through some trees on the hill about a hundred feet away so I was able to get the SS to 1/250 sec. The usual sturdy tripod. Shadows lifted a bit in LR; into PS for Topaz Denoise (Low Light defaults) and a some slight dodging and burning with masked curves. Slight crop.
Critique Template
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Beautiful image Diane. Love the pose with the raised tail and head turn toward us. Light looks great to me. I also like that stray feather behind the head. Well done.
Thanks, @SandyR-B, @Allen_Sparks and @Dennis_Plank! I wasn’t sure if the stray feather would work for most people. He was curious and cooperative and I got some poses of his other side that I’ll post later.
Thanks, @Allen_Brooks and @Peter_Morrissey! Peter – Welch’s Grape Jelly. They love it! A neighbor was putting out high-end orange marmalade and complaining that she wasn’t attracting many. I told her to try the jelly. She put out a dish of each and said they ignored the marmalade and went for the jelly! And oranges are part of their normal diet.