A stranger here (+1 re-work)

As per Dean’s suggestion I used a color range mask to select the leaves an added contrast and clarity -

Whenever I sit on the dock I keep the camera and long lens handy, mostly for wildlife, but it has other uses. This is a look back at the shoreline at some of the hazelnut bushes that dangle out and over the water. When the nuts ripen squirrels are all over these and I never get any. My dream is to be ready with the camera if a greedy rodent falls in. One can hope.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

Just a playful shot, not processed very much, says summer day to me. Reactions? Improvements?

Technical Details



Lr for a crop and work to bring up a lot of contrast and color. Some distraction removal. Topaz Denoise to pull that down and bring up some detail even though there isn’t much.

The color is nice and rich with a story waiting to happen. The lighting looks good. I was to try anything, maybe a contrast curve on the leaves. The lighting is pretty even out so may not help really. Looks like a very quiet scene, well until the visitors come.

New photo in OP, I think it helps a little @Dean_Salman so thanks for the suggestion. It’s sometimes hard to tell how far to push things with these kinds of scenes.

Yes, Kris, there’s a fine summery feeling. The clarity in most of the leaves is quite striking.