A winter walk


Image Description

I am fortunate to have walked many miles on back country roads in Central Vermont in all kinds of weather throughout the year. Most days I see fewer than three cars or tractors. The pace is perfect for both contemplation of life and photography. This is one made on a favorite stretch of Robinson Cemetery Road just north of the Kent Museum (the red building) and area that was settled in the late 1700s and in some ways hasn’t changed much at all.

Feedback Requests

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Pertinent Technical Details

Sony@6000, 60mm, 1/100, f/4.5, ISO125 with minor adjustments to tone and sharpening in LR

This image give me a sense of peace and hope. The trees in the front seem to protect the viewer while he is walking on the road into the unknown future. I was wondering if it would better with black and white but I think the bit of red in the further house add to the sense of hope and tranquilty. Maybe in black and white it will instill a more sullen mood. Very nice frame.

John: This is exceptionally well done IMO. I can see the allure of doing it in B&W but the color here really appeals to me. The frozen roadway is the perfect leading line and I like how the tree branches frame the scene. Superbly crafted image.>=))>