The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Hiking in the Gran Sasso mountain range I met this very unusual mountain decorated by a fancy design like an abstract painting. The creations of the nature are endless. It was at twilight.
Technical Details
Zii, Nikkor 70-200mm at 70mm - 1/80 - f/11 - ISO 1100 handheld at twilight
Fascinating indeed!! For me, I would crop off the top to remove the BG hills, even at the expense of losing some of the main peak. The story for me is the lower 3/4 or more of the image.
I’ve seen this type of strcture before and am always impressed by it. I would darken the entire background behind the mound and make it stand out. I don’t know if that can be done though.
The suggestions of Diane Miller and Igor Doncov both for me solve the problem and improve my photo. I post both the revised images to ceck if I made the right things.
Guiseppe, this is a fascinating mountain and both of your mods are nice improvements, although I prefer the shape contrast with ridge behind that the full frame view gives. For me that adds to the sense of how unusual the main shape is.