Really lovely Ben! So needed as we struggle through a harsh winter. I like how you have arranged the trees and the fabulous soft greens. Well seen and processed!
Hi Ben,
First off I love the haiku. My thoughts pretty much echo those of @guy. You did a masterful job with the spacing of the trees and those greens are simply fantastic. This is a little different for you, but it still has your signature look and feel along with your connection to the woodland that you like to wander with your camera. Beautifully done!
The coolest thing about this image are the variety of tree trunks; some dark, some light, some in between. I love how they all seem to work together to frame the beautiful foliage. Definitely a dynamic composition. The greens seem a little oversaturated to my eye and possibly a tad bright. I wonder how this would look if you reduced brightness just in the greens/yellows maybe 1/2 stop and brought the saturation down a few points? Also…love the haiku!
Wow! I love this! My first question might be, Did you move? This certainly doesn’t seem like any forest that you’ve been meandering in recent years. Of course there’s no reason why this scene couldn’t be in your local parks, but for sure this is something new and different for you.
And different in a very positive way! This is an outstanding image and composition. The variety of trees, colors and tones are wonderfully combined. Honestly quite amazing the different varieties all so close together.
Great job with all the trees aligning so that most all are free and clear of others; more dense on the left, but that is not a fault by any stretch.
The only feedback I have for improvement goes along with other comments. The greens/yellows are a bit bright, maybe 1/2 stop or so. But I also think you could easily go to far in addressing that brightness/sat. As presented the brightness gives this scene a bit of cheerfulness… if that makes any sense.
Beautifully seen and so great to see this from you Ben. Well done!
@guy , @Ed_Lowe , @Bret_Edge , @Lon_Overacker . I had also my doubts about those greens being a little bright {saturated}
The first image I made was less saturated. I place it here as a rework. All together this helps me a lot to decide which one to chose as the better one. An @Lon_Overacker you did see it good .This image I made at an estate at what I call far away 300Km. Different at what I am use to. Hope to hear from you about my rework. Thank you all Ben
Rework much better, more natural. Very small tweak, but I could see some selective burning in the ULC area. But that’s getting picky! Thanks for taking the time to consider and repost!
Ben, I think this is one of the first images you’ve posted in recent memory where I didn’t know this was yours upon first glance. This seems like a forest removed from where you usually shoot. I love the title. It says it all. An abundance of lush green leaves, trees, light and difference in the trees. Abundance!! I prefer the less saturated rework but I also love the abundance of greens and yellows in the original and I honestly could sit and enjoy either version equally. It seems as is Spring has sprung in your neck of the woods Ben and it just looks terrific.
This was well composed Ben. I have only positive feedback.
David, A late reaction (busy, busy). I have to thank you for your wonderful comment on my work ! And yes it was made on an other place than usual for me. Maybe trying to find a new direction in forest photography. Thank you !