Acorn Woodpecker in the rain forest

An image from my 2019 trip to Costa Rica. This was taken in one of the mountain rain forest regions.

Specific Feedback Requested

Is the Bromeliad too distracting? The Bromeliad is the plan right below the face of the woodpecker. It is part of the environment but it does pull my eye a bit. Removing it would take away part of the story.

Technical Details

ISO 2000, 500 mm PF, F6 .3, 2000th, handheld, 70% of full frame, Nikon D 500

What an outstanding image, David. It caught my eye immediately. Terrific techs and a cool pose by the woodpecker. I say the Bromeliad stays. I believe it adds immensely to the overall image. Well done.

A very nice frame of the Acorn. All the details looks great. I would definitely leave the bromeliad. It does add to the environment and it doesn’t intersect with the subject so I see it as a plus.

I like the slight head turn and the overall look we’re getting of the woodpecker. Excellent detail. I think the Bromeliad adds a lot to the photo: nice to the see the environment and it tells the viewer “you’re not in Kansas anymore” or at least the northwest where I see these woodpeckers.

I echo @terryb comments. Excellent image.

Very nice portrait! I’ll be the contrarian on the bromeliad and say I think removing the one big leaf would work well. It’s lovely but that’s the problem – it’s uncomfortably close to the woodpecker.

PS – If you’re taken with these woodpeckers, I can send you a big box of them!

Hi David
Thanks for the Acorn Woodpecker. I like the framing and the Woodpecker’s coloring and feather detail nice. In most cases, the Bromeliad would add to bring my eye to the Acorn Woodpecker, but I think it just a little too saturated for my eye to make the jump to the Woodpecker eye.