Across Grassy Spring

A nice clear day with a few white clouds lets the terraces of Grassy Spring stand out even as the view encompasses the distant mountains on the far side of Gardener, MT.

5D3, 24-105 F4 IS II @ 27 mm, 1/60 s, f/16, iso 200, tripod and polarizer.

Mark, a wonderful look here. And yes, a beautiful day it was out there from this image. The clarity provided an unending vista to the mountains on the horizon. The tiers of the spring offers up a pathway for our eyes to easily advance toward the distant BG…:+1:

The scattered clouds did a fine job of adding depth to this image, Mark. I like the leading lines you found in the pools. Excellent image.

Excellent perspective on the terraces, Mark, and lovely light. Like the way you’ve caught the clouds moving into the frame over the distant hills.

Definitely a beautiul day, Mark! I like the terraces and the way they step up to the distant mountains.

Hi Mark,

A very nice comp and I like the lighting of the terraced features of the spring. Well done…Jim