Aerial View of Rowena Plateau

Yesterday provided another fine, almost wind free day to shoot the wildflowers at Rowena Crest, Oregon. It was calm enough that I pulled my drone out at the parking lot and took it up for a few images. This is looking Northeast and at a height of 265 feet. The scene is Rowena Plateau. We hike the trails that you can see to what looks like a small area on the left area (just above center) where the native lupine, balsamroot, and TICKS reside. It’s hard to see, but my photographer buddy is in the scene (speck of black coat) near the flower area…the mountain in the distance is, I am pretty sure, Mount Hood.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any comments appreciated.

Technical Details

DJI Mavic 2 Pro, Hassled 20mp camera. 1/240sec @ f/5, ISO 100, remote controlled unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV). It’s nice to get this thing out and about. I bought it during Covid and proceeded to get my FAA commercial pilots license. Now the weather is getting to where I can actually use it. Can’t wait to take it to the Palouse next month.


What a cool way to shoot landscapes!!! I could wish for a tiny bit more room on the left but the overall scene is marvelous! The IQ looks excellent.

Thanks Diane, I agree about more room on the left. I also wish I had been higher to get more of Mount Hood in the scene. It’s hard to compose on a small screen that doesn’t react too well to sunlight. :slightly_smiling_face: and I am still learning…
And the image quality of the Hasselblad camera and sensor were what drew me to this particular drone.

Terrific image quality David. I can’t find your buddy in the scene but that’s ok. Definitely look like Spring has sprung. I think the composition needs a little bit more on the left side as the right side feels too heavy to me but I can see you also wanted to include Mt. and this is not a zoom lens so you get what you get. Looks like a great place to hike around.
By the way, do you use your phone or did you purchase the DJI screen? I find that the DJI screen is infinitely better than a phone clamped onto the controls and you can also get a hood for the DJI screen which cuts glare and makes flying and taking images so much easier…oh, and you gotta love the return to home feature. I get so lost and turned around when I’m flying and when the battery starts running low, you just hit that return to home button. Phew!!

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The face of the cliff looks interesting but I agree that catching a bit more of the left would have been nice. Maybe raise the Luminosity of Hood to make it more prominent?

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This is very nice.
i second the felling of more space on the left.
(I did spot your buddy)

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Hi David, I do have the DJI controller. It does have a much better screen. And the Return to Home is a life (and drone) saver.

David, the greens and the steps are beautiful. The big zig of the plateau’s edge makes a fine leading line. The subtle view of the volcano in the distance is a nice extra.

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Lovely scene David. I would agree with some space on the left - however, what helps is Mt. Hood pulling the viewer back in to the image. I had similar thoughts as Igor about raising the brightness a tad of the snow-capped mountain - just a pinch.

Love the lush greens. Excellent capture.
