I have found that I really enjoy ferns so every time I find them, I try to photograph them. It had just rained so the colors were vibrant and fresh. I loved the water drops on them too.
Not sure if this is considered a landscape photo… hummm
Specific Feedback Requested
General feedback and critique on how to improve the image
This is a screen shot image since I can’t download the photo. My program crashes every time I try
Technical Details
Nikon D810
Lens is likely my Tampon 24-70
I am on my laptop traveling so I don’t have the original of this photo. I am also having LR issues so I couldn’t download it. I am posting a screen shot image.
Hi Martha, So sorry this one slipped past us. I think you were trying for a guest critique, but the tag didn’t specify a specific guest.
I think this works in Landscape or Flora, just fine. I personally love the lighting/luminosity. That center fern stands out and brings to mind a feeling of spring. I think you may have applied a vignette too and that works nicely to lead the eye to that wonderful fern.
I have tried these kinds of images and never been very successful. I would be proud to have this in my portfolio. Well done.
@David_Bostock ha ha no worries at all. I miss tagged it so it was my fault. Thank you for the feedback! I need to participate more here. I love this community
Hi Martha - It’s been crazy around here lately so forgive me for being late. I really like what you’ve done here. The varying degrees of light playing in the fronds is wonderful to look at and leads my eye through all that detail - especially the raindrops. This would be perfect in flora as would any photo of something that grows, even fungi and lichens. I do have one observation - that it’s a little soft (but that could be the screenshot’s quality, not the RAW file’s). You didn’t have the info at your fingertips, but a couple things might help - don’t be afraid to raise your ISO if you have to handhold for a picture. Noise reduction software is so good these days that ISO is almost unimportant. My issue with photographing ferns is wind! Upping a shutter speed and the ISO is usually how I try to combat it. Second is that if you have a tripod, using one for this scene would be helpful, too. But boy, you nailed the framing!
Thank you so much for that feedback I did post a screenshot since I was traveling at that point.
I think wind and bugs can be a problem ha! I appreciate the feedback