The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Okay, it’s a male American Goldfinch, but it’s sometimes called the ‘American Canary’. Photo captured in my yard.
Specific Feedback
Technical Details
Canon RF 100-500mm, handheld, processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure and cropping, Topaz DeNoise. I did lower the background brightness just a tad.
Hi Terry, nice to catch such a pretty bird on top of a perch like this. Details in the yellow seem good to me which can be hard to produce. I like the composition and background. Main thing I would like to see is more of a head turn towards us but they don’t take direction well know. If this is an often used location, a thinner perch may enhance the image. Nice catch.
Thanks @Allen_Sparks. My main reason for posting this image was I felt I finally got the yellow correct, so glad to see you agree. I placed that perch there adjacent to a jelly/orange feeder in the hope that Orioles and Tanagers might use it. This is how most of my plans work out.
Thanks @Dennis_Plank. I darkened the image a bit to emphasize the yellow, but may have gotten it a little too dark. I have never heard them called Candy birds. Interesting…
I think you have captured the yellow very well…it is quite a surreal colour to see in person. In my opinion, given the vibrance of the yellow, it does imply there is a lot of light around so the dark background seems a tad out of balance. And it sat still for you long enough! Magic!