The juvenile Caracara beats the adult as well as the Black Vulture!
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Fortunate that the three birds are in the same relative plane. However, I have had to crop off dead space at the bottom and also added some real estate on the left to give the bird some space taking off
Any suggestions to make the image stand out better ?
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Is this a composite: No
1/3200 sec / iso 400 / f 7.1
Hi Karl. Great catch of the action here. I think it’s the adult that has the prize rather than the juvenile. As far as the image goes, it feels to me as if it could use just a bit more room on the top. The three birds make an interesting problem. The vulture appears to be in the sharpest focus and the juvenile is the brightest and in the lower right 1/3 position so I find my eye going immediately to the juvenile and then to the vulture behind it and i almost have to fore myself to look at the adult Caracara. I think playing a little with the relative exposures of the characters in this play might balance it out. Maybe reducing the exposure a bit on the juvenile and bringing the adult up a bit would do it.
Thanks @Dennis_Plank - adding real estate on the top does help - also played with exposures as suggested
Juvenile 1st -2nd year caracaras are pink beaked. I was told that 2nd to 3rd are orange and adults have yellow beaks.
HI Karl
Great inter action, the two Caracaras and Vulture tell a nice story of nature of work. I like the reframing, but it would not open into a larger photo? Nice work.