Pertinent technical details or techniques: K5 IIs, 180mm f3.5 (1/125 sec at f11, ISO 800) I took this shot a long time ago with my old Pentax system. My polarizing filter had fogged up and was able to salvage this shot with DeHaze in Lightroom. After adjusting curves, I tried Aurora HD and it provided a fairly natural looking color and contrast to the scene. The colors of this giant green anemone glow when exposed to daylight. …Jim
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Intimate seascapes have an otherworldly quality for me sometimes; it’s almost like a fly-over view of an alien planet. There’s lots to explore in your image, and I enjoy that. Nice job on the recovery.
My eye is drawn to and stuck on the living detail you have captured and made into a stunning image.
This looks like it could be underwater - an anemone? Excellent composition and color management too.