Anhinga Portrait

This is from late February 2011 in the Everglades. As many of you may know, the Anhinga Trail is a good place to get close images of the birds, and appropriately these are numerous there and really easy pickings while they hang out on perches doing their typical wing-spread postures. This was full width cropped a little from the bottom to remove a bit of it’s OOF left wing, and a little sharpening of the overall frame.

I was pretty happy with the framing, and the detail considering I was shooting wide open, but just curious to get your opinions on the exposure values, and otherwise what you think might improve it.

Olympus E-3 Zuiko 300 F2.8 on Wimberley I, ISO400 1/400 f2.8 0.0EV

The detail and exposure both look excellent to me, Bill. The only think I could think of changing is to possible shave a bit off the top as it feels like there’s a bit more room than necessary up there. Gorgeous portrait.

Nice light and portrait. I’m with Dennis, and take something of the top, maybe the ‘normal’ 3:2 ration would do the trick. Cheers, Hans

Hi Bill
This Anhinga has great detail and I agree with Dennis and Hans, a little of the top of the frame would make better photograph.
What is with the green dot were your photo would be, I also have that happening to me?

Excellent color, detail, and composition. I really like the light on the plumage of this image. The background works very well. And I am in agreement with the others that cutting a tiny bit off the top would improve the overall presentation.

Thanks for the comments, guys. To quote Tim Blake Nelson in O Brother Where Art Thou, “Well, I’m with you fellers.” I tried a 3x2 crop from top only and seems to work fine. Appreciate the input.

Beautiful portrait of anhinga, Bill. The background and light are fantastic, and the subject very sharp. I agree with others that reducing the space at the top will make yield a better profile image.

Very nice Bill, excellent detail and the background has just enough variation to make it work really well. Before reading the other comments I was thinking about taking a bit off the top as well.

Hi Bill,

A very nice mugshot of our picivorous friend (LOL). Because the portions of the bird are quite detailed, but skinny; I would tighten up the crop as others have suggested. Well done…Jim