Another Cormorant Takeoff

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


My patience finally prevailed after 10 minutes of being setup, and waiting for this guy to takeoff from a bouy. I think it was worth the wait.

Specific Feedback

Cropping? Anything else?

Technical Details

Z9, 180-600 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC, monopod, 1/34200th, f 9.0, 855mm, ISO 3200, cropped to 3616 x 2616

Hi Dave, nice catch. I like the splashing water included behind the bird, the extended wing, and the reflection. The water with nice color and just a touch of ripple is good too. I could see adding a tad more space below and taking a tad off on top. The stretched out pose is nice even though the angle is slightly away from us. Good catch.

I think I was first attracted by the color of the water. Good take off pose and the water action behind the cormorant is great. Worth the wait; nice job.

Nice action shot Dave. Definitely worth the wait. I really like the splash zone behind the cormorant, and the stretched out wings in front. The water is also really nice as Allen Brooks has pointed out.