This is the second of five images I have of Mount Rainier with cloudless skies. This was taken the day before my prior post. I’ve tried to keep that early morning feel when alpenglow happens, but yet not let the shadows get so dark as to lose a lot of detail. Any thoughts or suggestions for improvement are welcome.
FUJIFILM XF 10-24mm F4 at 12 mm (18 mm equivalent)
1/15 sec. at f/4.0 and ISO 160 (eight images blended for DOF)
1/30 sec. at f/4.0 and ISO 160 (one image to keep the highlights on the mountain)
I purposely left the saturation strong in the image above because I prefer it that way. Realizing that’s no now everyone rolls though, here’s a less saturated version for comparison for those who prefer that.
This is better than the first one… I like the FG plants a lot. reflection is superb, you had really calm water… Saturation and color looks fine except too much red on the Mountain, subjective I know, but it has ever looked this red to me…
Another beauty John. Looks like you had a wonderful trip. I believe I prefer the foreground on the first one and the mountain on the second one. There is too much red in the mountain on both, particularly in the reflections, but it looks better on the second image. Looking forward to seeing your others.
Thanks @Dan_Kearl and @David_Haynes! Here is one with the red pulled back. For sport, below it is one of the jpgs the camera recorded. (The camera is set to record jpgs with Provia/Standard; Standard color reproduction. Suited to a wide range of subjects, from portraits to landscapes.")
This looks really good John. I like the foreground bushes (I was jealous when you grabbed that spot ) and how you arranged it so the bushes and trees frame the reflection so well.
I like the original image best. My photos have the same amount of reds on the mountain. Hopefully I’ll be ready to post mine soon.
Given what you had to work with for skies, I think you did pretty well for yourself John. I prefer the more saturated version (which I wouldn’t call it that saturated anyways). I think the composition is great, I like the amount space above the mountain, and I like the arrangement of the foreground vegetation, the small spruce trees are nicely balanced. Overall I like this image very much, this autumn scene is a different take on this classic location.
The only question I have is whether the cluster of asters is a plus or a minus to the foreground vegetation. I’ve been going back and forth on that point, and can make a case for both. If forced to choose, I might suggest cloning them away, since they are so dis-similar to the rest of the autumn vegetation.
I like this even better than the first post, John! Here again the cloudless sky does not bother me; in fact I think the blue of the sky compliments the red alpenglow on Mt. Rainer rather nicely. As far as the saturation goes I think it looks just fine for my tastes. The reflection looks great as does the framing of the mountain with the vegetation. No suggestions from me.
Nice job on that, John. In fact, the colors and contrast in this one reminds me fondly of my Velvia days - high contrast, super pretty saturation. I love this look and feel opening up everything in shadow is just not necessary so I think you’ve succeeded.
John, this is a fine look at Ranier. Your extensive effort paid off very well. I think V2 does a good job of balancing the “feel” of being their with the reality of the color on the mountain. The mass of foreground leaves makes the view nicely different from a “standard” Ranier reflection shot.