When I travel to any area with dunes, I enjoy getting out early to see who or what has been there before me in the night. I know how hard it can be to walk on dunes so it is easy to imagine the hard it is for this little critter, probably a beetle, to traverse even a small slope “avalanches” an all. I converted this now old photograph to B&W and was pleased with the results.
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Canon, 1/320, f/4.0, ISO50
Thank you. As is often the case, while it is possible to change some things about an image, others simply cannot be changed…unless you know a way to time travel!
I don’t mind the tight crop. It feels more dynamic to me, as if something might be still trying to make an escape. Terrific texture. I think I have a couple of similar shots of tiny tracks in sand and snow. Bravo!
Neat find here John and it works well as a B&W. I like the repetitive nature of the mounds and the shadows falling across them. Almost looks like some kind of vehicle treads made those tracks, ha ha.