This looks great in B and W. I’d clone out the small black line close to the protuberance in the UR (and perhaps the one in the URC), but I’m being churlish! An eye-grabbing shot, John.
This is very cool. Such a great contrast and the texture is practically touchable. Good call to go monochrome I think. It keeps us focused on that texture and the curvy sweeps. I’d experiment with a couple of things if this were mine - the light part is unevenly light and you can either accentuate that or reduce its effect. I’m leaning towards reduce by lightening the darker bits for a more uniform look and maybe even bumping the exposure a bit in the light sand overall. Just to play with it. Conversely darkening the shadowed bits might also prove interesting. Luminosity masking with the TK8 panel in Photoshop would do this easily, but you could probably achieve similar results.
This reminds me of ice…my brain is on ice right now…in that there is texture and shape combined. Quite a delight as you say.