Antique Lace

Stats on antique lace.jpg
Camera settings for image

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I love the textures of the Dusty Miller and Angel Wings plants. They suggest lace to me. I wonder about removing all the “noise” from the background. Should I have left a bit? I wanted a wider border, but it cut off the tip of the leaf.

Creative direction

This is another image in the project developing around the Angel Wings plant in my yard. Here, I want to suggest the delicate nature of the leaves.

Specific Feedback

All are welcome.

Technical Details

See the screen capture of the camera settings.
Processed in LR and PS with TK9 luminosity masking. Finished look in Nik Silver Efex Pro 3


This is one of the images I captured while learning to use my macro lens. I am challenging myself to find subjects around my home.

Reworked per suggestion of @Dennis_Plank , thanks

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I like the way you interpreted the textures in this image, Barbara. The composition looks good, though I do find myself wanting just a bit more room on the left between the leaf lobe and the border.

Simple beautiful photograph…

Barbara, the impression of lace really shines through in your image. Fascinating plant. The reworked version addresses my main concerns with the original (thanks Dennis!). There is now more breathing room on that left edge. Another interpretation of your image is of a receding glacier. Well done!

You nailed it on the rework, Barbara.

Thanks to all of you, @Dennis_Plank , @Alfredo_Mora , and @Gill_Vanderlip, for helping me polish this picture.


Excellent! Fantastic! Aside from the impression of lace (that’s clear,) I also see an alien hand… you know something like a cartoon charact that someone tries to give human features too? But yeah, I see a hand reaching out.

I’m not a huge fan of that border and the lightening of the edges - BUT, the repost really makes a significant improvement; especially the added space on the left, and the expanded space for the border.

The only suggestion I have would be a small crop off the bottom to given even more emphasis to the “hand.” But that’s totally subjective. Great job with the selective focus, depth of field and the resulting soft background.

Well done!


Thanks, @Lon_Overacker . It is interesting to see what others imagine the image to be. I can see what you mean about the border and the lightening of the edges. I appreciate that observation. I like the crop suggestion.