The Arctic Terns were hovering over the river as they fished for the early salmon fry. I caught this one hovering with the snowy mountain as a backdrop. I got a lot of shots because of the hovering but I liked this one in particular because the one wing position was in a similar diagonal to the background snow on the mountain.
Specific Feedback Requested
Any feedback is appreciated.
Technical Details
Sony a6500, SEL200600G @ 415 mm (622 mm w/crop factor), ISO-250, f/6.3, 1/4000, hand held.
When viewed on full-screen monitor, this image is quite impressive. You really got a great pose from the Tern. I would even consider blurring the background a tad bit more using Kris Smith’s technique.
Superb detail. Exposing these birds correctly on a bright day is very difficult and you have done a wonderful job.
Beautiful, Gary. I love the wing positions and head turn. The techs and processing look spot on.
Really nice Gary. The background adds another level of interest with the diagonals as you mention. Nice exposure on the tern too with a dynamic pose. Well done.
I find this image really unique. It shows how important backgrounds are. The bird position is great as are all of the techs for the bird, sharp, well exposed. But, it is the background that makes this special. Thanks for sharing this marvelous capture.