
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Hiking through the dunes in Death Valley is always a bit of a chore , but the quest is rewarding…so thought this group of photographers

Specific Feedback

any and all are welcomed

Technical Details

Sony a7Rm3 mid range zoom

This is a great image for this Weekly Challenge James. I love the intricate patterns, the shoe prints and all the photographers on the top of the dune. Great perspective.

Not just a great photojournalistic feature shot, with the footsteps directing the eye, but a technically thrilling capture here James. The photographers also provide something many dune images don’t: Scale. I still have trouble with humans in my landscapes, but I probably need to get over it and take advantage, as you did here.

James,I appreciate your comments and I too don’t want humans in my landscapes ,but every now and then , they turn your image into a story that a viewer might relate to and since I was a part time photojournalist in my early years, my brain starts to act as one again…Have aGood Day!