Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.
Questions to guide your feedback
Does this have a fall mood?
Other Information
Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.
Technical Details
Another composite of three images, 2 static and 1 ICM. Various adjustments of all images in ACR; PS layer stack:
Specific Feedback
Any aesthetic/technical comments always welcome.
Emotional reaction? I’d like these to have a somewhat wistful mood.
To answer the first impression, I do get a sense of fall mood. Mainly based on the reds and pinks. I like what you have done with this image. I also get a sense of a fine embroidered fabric.
Beautiful soft, high key image, Bonnie. So often Fall and Winter collide which is what I get from this image with the few orange and red leaves mixed with ice on the tree branches. This looks like a composite as I see some areas where there are no ice at all on branches right next to the same branch that has ice and the same goes for the leaves. I love the effect though if this is in fact a composite. The warm glow from the background provides further Fall impressions. Nice work, Bonnie.
I just checked your information and see that this is a composite. Well done and very artistic.
Don’t know how you do it, but you keep elevating to another level! YES, this certainly evokes autumn for me. The only thing missing? A cedar wax wing or robin feeding on the fall berries… but then that would bring it back to reality… But that’s my impression… I can envision a bird of some sort feeding off these berries.
Absent any birds, this still is a wonderful abstract - also has a Japanese art impression. It appears to have a “foggy vignette” along the bottom, which I think works and would think it could be applied to the rest of the outer edges up top and right.
No idea how you pulled this off, but I must mentioned the uniform background light and glow that really makes this image pop.
This is just wonderfully unique. Can’t say I’ve ever seen something like this. Kudos for your continued “experimentation.”
Hi Bonnie,
First I have yo say that this is a really great image. I like a lot the way you are going with your photography. That said, my immediate response is that this is a delicate japanese painting. To your question, for me the feeling of the image is not specifically autumn.
Bonnie, my initial impression is Japanese art and Christmas vibes, not so much Autumn. I think it’s the subtle shades of pink, reds, and the glow of light in the background. The branches look like they have winter frost on them. Great job with the photo montage! I like how you filled the frame and that background is superb with the branches.
GORGEOUS!! All said above! Also more Christmasy/wintery to me. I wonder about bringing up some of the highlights to white, to give more of a snow/frost vibe. Manzanita?
I was just scrolling through “latest”, and this one made me stop. The beautiful, soft pastel colors drew me in, the more defined reds pulling me further into the image. As I looked at it more, I got a sense of an ode written between two soulmates that have been together for a long time; there is such a sense of balance, intersecting stories, fading memories, with the reds representing the more unforgettable moments, a shared long life well lived. If “a picture can say a thousand words”, well, this one does. Beautifully done, Bonnie!
This is to everyone that has contributed to the Abstract channel. Just wanted to say thank you for submitting your wonderful work for review and for the thoughtful responses from all. The level of participation and activity is greatly appreciated!
I have to agree that this isn’t so autumnal - Christmas may be a better season. I fiddled with the overall color and less pink wasn’t working for me. If I do a series, maybe “Changing of the Seasons” is a better idea. Thanks for the input!
Interesting - I hadn’t thought of ice, frost maybe. The base photo is of concrete, which is giving it that impression.
No, looking up into a crab apple tree.
Thank you for such a poetic interpretation, Fritz. I love it - very appropriate for the mood I wanted.
You’re welcome, Alfredo! I do worry sometimes that it’s too “out there”, but if you’re good with it, that’s great.