What technical feedback would you like if any? Is the sharpness OK? I need to work on this in future shots with this lens setup.
What artistic feedback would you like if any? Comp?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500 200mm f4 + 488 mm extension, 3 flashes set at ttl, (1/250 sec at f9.0, Iso 400), Live View for focusing, Levels, Rubber stamp tool, crop to square format. Brightness & Contrast. Asterinia starfish are tiny (6mm) echinoderms that feed on biofilms that grow on rock and old coral skeletons. This one was caught in the act of feeding with its orange brown gut everted onto the aquarium glass. I wish that I could have gotten it sharper, but old aquarium glass loses some clarity as it gets aged with scratches.
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