At the local park

Love to see a rainforest
It has to be the local park
Also nice to make images

Specific Feedback Requested

All feedback is more than welcome

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Forest images can be so difficult but with this photograph you make it look easy. In my view, you have succeeded in three ways that make this image special. First is the lighting, which is warm and inviting with just a touch of mystery. Second, is the colour palette, which is beautifully subdued. This is particularly effective in the background that serves as a warm backdrop that contains the scene. Finally, there is the composition itself, which is carefully structured so that nothing is blocked such that my eye moves easily into the depth of the photograph. This is clearly a photograph peculiar to your way of seeing, Ben. And I also happen to feel it is one of your best.

I love the color palette here. My only critique is that the composition is such that my eye is continually drawn to that bright area at bottom right… wondering if you have another image to just right of there with some darker areas in it you can use to make a panorama and include more dark space to hold the eye in the frame. Just one minor suggestion!

As other have said, I like the subdued colors, yet nice directional light in the foreground. Well composed with nice separation of the trees.

Ben, I love the textured background and strong verticals of the trees. Wonderful side lighting as well. The light on the left side tree as well as the brighter area on the ground could be toned just a bit to help balance the scene.

On an emotional level, this image had an impact on me. I saw the cut tree trunk next to the tree on the right edge and felt sadness. Of course I don’t know if the tree was cut due to deforestation but regardless, the story in the image is compelling.

Top notch processing, really terrific.

What Kerry G. said! This is gorgeous. Your framing and composition are perfect. And the mood - warm yet mysterious. Well done.

I knew right away this was yours before I saw your name Ben. The light and luminosity are delightful, just like a fairy tale forest. Your composition works well too.

The chiaroscuro composition shows the magic and mystery of all forest scenes below the canopy of branches. This is one of your best but it seems like I always write that. I actually like the bright areas as compositional elements because it tells of light entering from the right and illuminating the left. It’s part of the story of this image. However I agree that the highlights on the tree on the left may be a bit too bright. Or maybe not. But I can read your thoughts in this image.

Hey Ben, beautiful shot as always of a great forcing. I honestly wish I had your eye for forest photography because I continuously struggle with it but that’s the beauty of photography, always trying to get better. When I look at this, I am immediately drawn to the beautiful light coming in from the right side. You’ve done a great job, capturing it, but I almost wonder if this could be two photos living on their own. One photo could be for the top portion because that’s where a lot of the brightest parts of the photo are and that is where my eye is drawn to. Another photo could be the bottom portion of this because my eyes are also drawn to the light coming in in the bottom, right. I honestly think the composition in both are strong enough to stand alone on their own but in one photo could possibly be a little bit too busy for my eyes to find. As always, I love your photography and I think you’ve done a great job, capturing the amazing light in Forest photography.

Wow, Ben, where do you get such wonderful light all the time, :slightly_smiling_face:

Excellent comp and wonderful light. Awesome image, Ben. Well done.

@Igor_Doncov , @David_Bostock , @Bonnie_Lampley , @Richard_Duckworth , @Kerry_Gordon , @Alfredo_Mora , @Dan_Kearl , @Eva_McDermott , @David_Johnston , @Matt_Payne ,
Giving a good comment on an image is rather difficult for me. Because as with this image I make and develop my own images mainly on feeling rather than technical knowledge or knowledge of rules.
I am learning every time from your analysis and suggestions, which I will take to the next project for sure.
So thank you all so much. BTW The light is just there !