I did some experimenting with Color Grading in TK8, to get rid of the color cast end to get the colors separated.
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Waiting for your feedback. All is more than welcome.
I did some experimenting with Color Grading in TK8, to get rid of the color cast end to get the colors separated.
Waiting for your feedback. All is more than welcome.
As @Lon_Overacker said in a previous post - you are the master of light. You always seem to handle dynamic range really well. Maybe it’s the light in Netherlands. The composition is really strong and I like the sprinkling of orange/brown in the lower areas. In addition to the draping tree there is a nice gateway we’re invited to look into.
This looks like a high dynamic range type of scene but darned if you didn’t handle it perfectly, Ben. That tree is very expressive with the drooping branches on both side. almost like arms reaching for the ground. I love the peak at the meadow that’s being lit up by some golden light. It draws me right in and under the archway of the drooping right branch. It’s almost as if the tree is blocking entrance into this golden stage unless you go through the secret door. The colors and tones look beautiful. I would title this, “Archway to Eden.”
Great control of the potential colour castes that you can get in this type of image Ben. Love all the shades of greens while still maintaining the separation. I like how you framed the entrance.
Oh lovely. I especially like the seed heads of whatever the flowers in the midground are (Queen Anne’s lace? Water hemlock?). They make a nice line to break up the scene a little and add some texture. That line mirrors the tree branch in a way and I like the implied symmetry. Color separation looks great and the light is soft yet still produces a lot of contrast.
Another way to play with color casts is to use the color cast correction actions in the TK8 panel. If you hit up Dave Kelly’s You Tube channel and look for the tutorial on color actions in the panel, you’ll find it. Or I can put up a link. Your thread, you decide.
Excellent composition and the light works well with the subject. Very nice.
Here you go again… Which is a compliment here in the US…
I’m looking and looking and just trying to find something to “fix” or adjust - especially with the tree trunk. It needs more luminosity… nah, it doesn’t. Wait, there’s a color cast? maybe? I think I’m seeing one. Nah, probably not…
Love the little opening - a door, a window in to the next world.
Beautiful Ben. No nits or suggestions.
Talk about 40 shades of green. Nothing to add, Ben - it’s beautiful.
Hey Ben! Wow lovely scene! Reminds me of a tree I used to play on when I was a kid. Now that I’m older I just have back aches and need coffee. I love the photo. The exposure, mood, and everything is great. Something to try though… It looks like there is some really nice balance to the form of the tree. If you visit this tree often, I’d try photographing it with the trunk in the center of the frame with balance of form on either side. Might be a cool look. Well done!
Ben this is a wonderful composition. I don’t know how much your color grading changed things, but the result is really nice. Can’t think of anything to change. Well done.
This is so wonderful…
@Igor_Doncov , @joaoquintela , @Kris_Smith , @David_Bostock , @AndreDonawa , @David_Johnston , @David_Haynes , @DeanRoyer , @Lon_Overacker . @Mike_Friel , Thank you all for taking the time analyzing my image. And appreciate it in such a positive way. @Kris_Smith thank’s for the tip, I already follow Dave Kelly on you tube.