
An other day at the local park. Where it is always good to be and make long walks.

Specific Feedback Requested

All feedback is more than welcome to me !!

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This is a beautiful scene and I love how the arching branch ties it all together. The movement of the foreground plants is quite whimsical and the composition flows quite nicely. Since this is a square crop, I’m curious if you have any more image on the right side? The bottom, the left and the top all look quite nice, but I do wish there was a bit more breathing room on the right side.

The framing of the distant scene, by the arching branch and green grasses is perfect. Just lovely. I could see toning/burning down that patch of yellowish grass in the middle of the bottom edge; the bright lines touching the edge of the frame catch my eye. Anyway, this is beautiful.

This is quite lovely and that graceful arching branch ties everything in the scene together beautifully. This has a wonderful peaceful vibe to it that I find very inviting. Beautifully done!

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Stunning, Ben. Every one is using the word lovely, I think, because it is such a gentle scene. I love the way you’ve pulled the colour back , it gives a muted painterly feel that is perfect for this scene. Of course the curved branch couldn’t be better if you put it there yourself. But what I love best is the “v” shape split of the grass in the foreground, which is like an open door I can’t resist and makes me feel like I’ve stumbled on this scene for the first time myself. Wonderful depth.

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What a great composition, i love all the layers and sense of depth in this image. And the foreground grass is a very dynamic element too. The view here just makes me want to wander further into this forest and explore whats to be found there. Beautiful image Ben, I’m enjoying it very much.

@Ed_McGuirk , @Ed_Lowe . @Bonnie_Lampley , @Kerry_Gordon . @Ben_Horne , I am happy with your thoughts and comments. Positive it makes me glad, negatief it makes me learn.
So always very much appreciated !!