Aurora Along The Coast


Image Description

During a workshop in St. Martin, New Brunswick Canada focusing on abstracts, we were unexpectedly treated to a spectacular visit of the Northern Lights. Our Inn was a stone’s throw from the beach where I was able to capture this along with several other fascinating images of this truly beautiful phenomenon.

Feedback Requests

Any and all comments welcome.

Pertinent Technical Details

Camera: Canon EOS R5. Lens: Canon RF15-35mm F2.8 L IS USM @ f/2.8 for 13.0 seconds, ISO 1000. Edited using Photoshop and Topaz Studio 2.

Love it! I knew before I saw the image that this was on the east coast die to the orientation of the red part. . That deep red structure is a SAR arc. It’s related to the Aurora, but is caused when the magnetic energy actually heats an area around the center of the Earths upper atmosphere! Great image! The only thing I would do is to clone out that red light and its reflection.

Thank you, Paul. I have tried it both ways and interesting enough having showed this at the workshop critique, it was about 50-50 on leaving or eliminating the light house I’ll post the light house less image a bit later. Bob

Definitely the SAR arc – lots of info online. It was a rare and unexpected event when people were out looking for the aurora that night and you got a lovely composition of it.

Aurora Along The Coast 2
Without the Light House.

Thank you, Diane. I will look up some more information on the SAR Arc. This was only the third time I have seen the Auroras each different and all awesome. Bob

Robert: What a great opportunity and a fine capture. I do prefer the version without the lighthouse. For me it’s an eye magnet and really doesn’t add anything to the scene. Top notch shot. >=))>

Thank you, Bill. I think I have to agree with you now that I’ve been considering the differences in appearance. The light house is definitely a distraction to the image and the mood of the image. Bob