Autumn Chippy + RePost

Thank you @Kris_Smith --I uploaded a darker version with reworked eye to take out some of the flash’s impact.


Eastern chipmunks are highly territorial little rodents. They often perch and call out and warn other chipmunks to stay out of their area as this one was doing yesterday morning. A patch of sunlight caught my eye as this chipmunk was chipping away. Overall, I thought that this picture depicts the autumn season quite well.

Specific Feedback Requested:

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

D850 200-400mm f4 set at 400mm (1/320 sec at f5.6, ISO 1250, fill flash set at -2ev). Slight crop, Topaz DeNoise, Levels, slight curve adjustment and some highlight reduction on OOF whiskers…Jim
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)

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Nicely done. I love backlight, but it looks like you used flash so maybe reduce the exposure on the critter just a bit? They are loud and insistent little things aren’t they? Sometimes they’re so daft you can practically step on them. Amusing little creatures.

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The rework looks more natural. Backlighting is tough.

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Cool capture, second one looks better, as the crop eliminates some distractions.

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Hi Jim
Of the two chipmunk photos I like the first better. I guest just the overall brightness and breathing room the chipmunk has in the framing.

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