I’m taking a new look at an old (2013) stacked image. I have done this with Helicon Focus, using Tony Kuyper’s latest rendition of luminosity masks. etc., processed in the latest PS CC 2019. I recommend this as an exercise, especially if the season allows little chance for original work. For me, it has been helpful in pulling myself out of the doldrums and mullygrubs of grief and depression.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
I bought a new laptop. This was processed on it. Looking at the colors on my calibrated monitor, it is considerably more saturated than the original, but not excessively so. I think. Your thoughts?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
I think this was either after a Spring rain or early morning spraying. are the water droplets excessive?
Any pertinent technical details:
Camera Info: Nikon D7100, tripod, remote release
Lens: Tamron 90mm f/2.8D
Focal Length: 90mm
Focus Mode: Manual
AF-Area Mode: Single
AF Fine Tune: OFF
Aperture: f/7.1
Shutter Speed: 1/25s
Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority
Exposure Comp.: 0EV
Metering: Matrix
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 200
Full frame
PP in LR/PS CC 2019, Helicon focus (13 images), Topaz Studio, TK Sharpen for Web @ 30%
You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
I thought it might be interesting to see what this was shown as 6 years ago. I’m not sure what this proves, except perhaps the eye most easily fooled is one’s own.
First, welcome back, Phil. I hope you’re doing as well as can be expected at this point.
I see a definite difference between the two processing results. The new image is much more vibrant with more fine detail in the petals and the water drops on the upper rear petal pop out a lot more in the new version. The saturation seems a bit higher also, but I certainly wouldn’t describe it as excessive. The one thing that strikes me is that a touch more room above the bloom might make for a better composition. However, I seem to be saying that an awful lot lately, so maybe it has more to do with me than with people’s compositions.
Phil: An incremental but very nice improvement on the new version. I’m cool with the drops but since you posed the question I wonder if this was sprayed. If this was natural rain I might expect some specular highlights in the BG but as is I think the drops are icing on a very nice cake. Great to have you back. >=))>
I know the feeling, Phil, at what is for us certainly a dismal time of year. I think I slightly prefer the less saturated version and, yes, there are a lot of droplets !! I think, though ,it’s igood to capture them so clearly - you really feel the dampness in the air !
Well, it proves, again, that you made a great picture of this rose. The new version is indeed a bit more lively than the older version. The stack is excellent, I cannot see any artefacts. Colours look good to me. And I can’t get enough of the droplets. Since you are reprocessing I have two questions, but this is really nitpicking. First could you darken that sepal on the left a little and second is it possible to darken the background a bit? The rose already pops, then it would pop even more. Any way I like it as presented.
I like them both but prefer the 2nd. One of the posters suggested making this a vertical crop and if you could do that I believe it would work better, although just fine the way it is.
Phil my opinion for your collection. I prefer the new version for the lights a bit muted and then also the drops seems improved. I prefer the older version for the background that seems to prevail on the subject for colors and lights, may be darkening a bit the spots of light in the LBC. I love the photo.