Barnacles and Boulders, Isle of Skye

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I visited the Isle of Skye for the first time in December 2019 and the infamously unpredictable weather provided four days of unrelenting rainstorms. At the very last morning the weather finally cleared up and we decided to try our luck at Elgol beach. The rain stopped for some minutes and I was able to capture this image. Despite finding myself at one of the most photographed locations in Scotland I think I was able to find a somewhat original composition.

Technical Details

Sony A7rIV
Zeiss Loxia 21mm + 10 stop ND filter
30sec. @ f/10
ISO 250

Welcome Holger!

I’m not familiar with the Isle of Skye, so I can’t speak to the originality, but I really enjoy your composition. That central rock is so full of character; it makes a wonderful anchor. The surrounding rocks are really nice too. I like the way the image leads to the sea, and the distant hills and peaks are a great backdrop.

The backdrop is quite hazy, and that well be your intent and preference, but playing with an increase in the clarity might be worth comparing. I’d also play with shifting this slightly towards more magenta to see if you like that at all. (Color balance is tough to tell in this one because of the blown highlights in each of the individual color channels.)

Thanks for the remarks. The hazy backdrop is quite intentional, after all Isle of Skye means island of mist and the image quite literally depicts my perception of the actual conditions. This also relates to the blown highlights in the colour channels since the foreground was in deep shade, especially the very left part is almost completely black in the raw file. I have played a bit with the colour balance and I really enjoy the hue of the foreground rocks, but I have to admit that I always struggle with colour balance because I am almost color blind, especially red/green hues give me considerable trouble!

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What wonderful light! You’re so fortunate to shoot at these conditions. The composition seems just a bit awkward in that you get pulled to the left. I think it’s due to the brighter rock face on the left. However, a crop cuts into the peak in the back.