So ok, it’s not nature, but I had a lot of fun doing this a few years ago. I had some white board stock and these little wind up robots that threw great shadows in the afternoon sun. So I set up the tripod and moved them around.
Specific Feedback Requested
Anything to improve. I still have the robots and if the sun ever comes out again, they can go another round.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Tripod - all the exposures were about like this -
Lr for a curves adjustment to brighten whites, lower shadows, sharpening, texture & clarity. Some white balance adjustment as well. In retrospect, I should have upped my exposures since I really had to boost the whites. Oh well. You’d think a winter photographer would have remembered that.
Understood, Marc. However, this comes up all the time and if not expressly forbidden, it seems open to me. In other discussions you’ve sanctioned it. I checked before posting.