Bee and spring flowers

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was looking for color in the flowers to photograph with the bee. I have found that certain colors help bring out the bee nicely We are in the 80’s now in SE Arizona so more activity now.

Specific Feedback

Cropping is always interesting, in this case I wanted to show the environment that the bee was in, however, the bee is the subject. This image was not cropped I darkened the background to help bring out the foreground objects.

Technical Details

R7 RF 100-500 at 500mm 1/2000 f/16 ISO 1600.

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Dean, they are pretty flowers and I think the bee stands out nicely. I like how he is sitting on the flower, it even makes him look longer than a bee normally is. The 3 main blooms are just a bit bright from what looks to be harsh light, but a little dodging can help that. I actually like the crop as is.

Dean, I think you made the right choice in keeping the crop as you presented here. A square crop might have eliminated the URC, but it would take away the soft green buds there. I really like that my eyes can rest there and return to the subject. Your job in burning the background paid off, too. It brought out more light to the bee. I would even suggest going a bit further with burning the bright empty area on the right side to match more the rest of the background. That would enhance the natural contrast with the flower on the URC that points to the bee.

The angle you made this photo does create an interesting perspective about the bee size. It looks longer than most bees I’ve seen. It’s almost as if there were two bees there, a fact that is compounded with the appearance of two sets of eyes.

I empathize with your temps in the 80s in SE Arizona. Today in Austin we are hitting low 90s. My A/C is running in the house.