Beech buds against distant sun

A distant late afternoon January sun, broken into pieces by branches, provided the perfect backdrop for silhouetting the buds of an American Beech tree. The shallow depth of field allowed me to contrast the sharp bud and branch with others, less sharp but identifiable, further away.

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Is this a composite: No
Pentax K-7, 1/250, f/5.8, 300mm, ISO400, adjustments to tone curve and noise reduction.


Cool - I love this kind of photo. The contrast between the angular buds and the round bokeh of the sun is lovely.

Neat. I like the color contrast in this. I prepared a similar image for this week’s theme, but it’s sporophytes and all in black and white. Did you happen to play with a 4:5 aspect ratio? More room on the bottom and less on the sides would be interesting to see.

Thanks, I look forward to seeing you photo. I could easily pull in the sides but the bottom is what it is.