Belted Kingfisher

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was at first excited to catch this flight pose of this Belted Kingfisher. I thought it had caught a fish and was flying off with it. Looking closer at the image, looks like something man made is in its mouth. Hopefully not a fishing lure but I’m not sure. Hoping s/he was just able to drop it. Shows the importance of removing human debris as much as possible from the environment.

I worked a lot on replacing the BG of this image and adding canvas to top before I realized that wasn’t a fish in its mouth.

Technical Details

Canon R7, 400mm f4 DO IS II, 1.4x extender III
ISO 400, f5.6, 1/2000s, hand held

Allen this a fine image and I really like the angle of view on the flight here. I cannot tell what it is in the mouth. Hopefully nothing harmful… :thinking:
I could not agree more about removing human debris when out and about. I watch every morning the Ocean Conservation Namibia seal rescue team Youtube and the amount of entanglements from human debris is sickening… :rage:

Boy, Allen, I don’t know whether that’s a fish or not. Nonetheless it’s a really nice documentary image. I was re-reading a book on the early history of wildlife photography and the first shots of an Osprey coming in to a fish were done with a lure-we’ve come a long way in photography. Unfortunately, we haven’t come as far in respecting the environment.

Oh, this is a critique forum isn’t it? I love the wing and tail flare, it shows off the upper plumage superbly. While it would be nice if the bird were angled toward you instead of away, I’d keep this one any day.

Wonderful flight shot!! I love the topside view! No idea what you started with but the BG looks good, as does the framing.