Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Two ancient pencil pine trees growing upwards and apart. This image was taken with the camera no more than a few centimeters from the ground. At the top of the frame, a deciduous beech branch veils the top of the trees.
Technical Details
Taken at 24mm, f/8, ISO 400 and a shutter speed of 1/80.
Keenan, this is an imposing look at these two trunks. Including the moss at the bottom is a nice touch. The leaves at the top help keep the attention on the twin trunks.
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Hi Keenan,
that is a nice perspective. I love the bark of pine trees. Really nice textures everywhere.
My eye is slightly drawn to the area where the blue sky shines through. In my opinion, your image could benefit from desaturating those blue/cyan tones.
That looks like an awesome woodland. I could spend hours shooting stuff like that.
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Hi Jens,
Thanks again for the feedback, desaturating the blues worked great and I am much happier with the image. It was indeed an awesome woodland, I actually spent about 8 hours in there and got some other photos I was quite happy with