Birth of a universe

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

I’m especially looking for an initial reaction. How does the image impact you (if it does)? What does it say? Can you relate to it in any way? What could it be (don’t use your brain but your imagination)?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

So this is an image I made huddled over a tidal pool in Spain last year, mesmerised and lost to the world. Engrossed with all the tiny details of a scene that seemed to be a little universe in itself. When I saw the image again in my Lightroom catalogue, I realized that depending on how I looked at it, it had lost scale. It could be everything.

Looking down to see what’s in front of my feet, I find the most amazing treasures. A whole universe in a tidal pool - or the birth of worlds in a distant galaxy. Nature has it all - if we go through our lives with open eyes.


Astrid, wow!! I think I’m seeing two massive star systems collide and form a new galaxy. Amazing details and colors. I get this impression of gaseous clouds spanning light years across the vast distance of space all swirling in a giant maelstrom. At the same time and on the other end of the distance spectrum, this could very represent cell division or some other microscopic view. Really wonderful abstract!

My only suggestion would be to clone out or crop out that small slice of green in the lower left corner.


Wow, what a wonderful feedback, Alfredo! Thank you so much! :heart:

Done! I replaced the original…

You’re welcome and the edit looks great!

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Thank you, Alfredo!

My initial reaction is…OMG! This is amazing, gorgeous. There’s so much depth to this image. It’s very mysterious and compelling. it could be so many things and really makes me keep looking. Just stunning.

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Thank you so much, Chris! So happy you like it! :blush:

This is just fabulous, Astrid. Alfredo is right - there is no sense of scale, so my imagination can see both galaxies in motion or microscopic cell activity. My first reaction, though, is that it’s a thin section of some kind of biological tissue. That’s pretty prosaic I know, but to that’s what makes this wonderful - the ambiguity of it.

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Thank you so much, Bonnie! :smiley:

Oh I get that! Hadn’t thought of that but I understand where it comes from!

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Wow, this is great! Really like the diagonal that are created because of the two darker spots.

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Thank you so much, Julie! :blush:

Wow this looks fantastic. I love it =)

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Thank you so much, Matt! :blush:

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