Black and white aspen tree with snow flurries

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

All feedback on this image is appreciated! I’d like thoughts on the composition!

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Nice idea here. Curious what faster and slower ss would do to this scene.


Hi Stefanie - There are a lot of things I like about this photo. I think the processing looks good, although I might brighten the lighter tones so they look just a tiny bit less grey and stand out just a bit more. I also think the composition works. For a photo like this (an unrecognizable small scene, not a mountain that would be obvious if changed), I might consider flipping it, primarily because I like my own photos like this to flow from left to right. The only thing that I find distracting is the bigger pieces of snow, especially in the upper left. This is a personal preference since I often try to find order and consistency in my own work, so I would prefer for all the snow to be of a similar size. Overall, I am really enjoying this alternative way of presenting an aspen tree.

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Like Aaron, this was a great idea and concept. I would even say unique for a couple of reasons. First, going with the b&w was really stepping out of the box given the expectation of color with the aspen. But also, combining the motion of the snow with the still details of the aspen… And also touching on Aaron’s comment - how you got detail and motion in one frame, that’s quite an accomplishment.

The only suggestion I have Sarah already touched on and that would be the larger blurs of snow in the UL quadrant; actually just the one large one. It’s an eye grabber. Otherwise, I think this is quite successful! Excellent work!


Thank you Sarah! I agree the large snow flake is too distracting. This was my first time shooting with falling snow flurries - so I did several different shutter speeds on this scene and this one turned out the best (other than the large blur in the corner). I like your idea on flipping it! I didn’t think to do that. I appreciate your in depth feed back.

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Hi Lon,
I enjoy the idea of this photo as well and hope to capture it a little more successfully one of these days. I wish I would have spent more time on this scene! I appreciate your feedback - thank you!

If you tried out several shutter speeds, do you have another file that you could use to blend in some less distracting flakes? In these situations, I often take multiple exposures in case I have a small area that I might want to adjust later. :slight_smile:

Yes! I’m going to try that… my only concern is in every file - the snow flurries are falling in different directions. But I’m sure I could make one of them work or at the very least get rid of the distracting big one in the left corner!

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Nice photo. Like Lon, just deal with the biggest blob of falling snow in the UL. Everything else looks fine to me. And Unlike Sarah, I think the light tones are light enough. They almost seem to white on my monitor.

This is great, @Stefanie_Goo. I really like the contrast between leaves and snow flakes. If you can solve the problem with the larger snow flakes this will become magical.

This is a lovely shot that I think would look wonderful as a print. Just in case you can’t solve the issue with the snow by blending in another shot, I bet it would be easy enough to make a selection through a luminosity mask and either burn it in a bit or select the clump and lower tha brightness and contrast a bit while maybe adding a touch of brightness and contrast to the rest of the highlights to bring the eye there. Just an idea–even as is I quite like it.

Thank you Youssef! I appreciate it!

I’m going to try my best to get rid of that larger snow flake! Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks so much Nathaniel! That’s a great idea! I appreciate the advice.