Black-Capped Chickadee Close-up

A bit too much lens on this image. While I was using a zoom, these birds haven’t been staying on a perch very long (I think I got two frames) so I didn’t take time to zoom out after getting it framed.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?

I added canvas top and right on this after flipping it horizontally. It’s still pretty large in the frame for such a small bird, but is it too tight?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Sony a6500, Sony FE200-600 + 1.4 TC at 700 mm. Gimbal head mounted to blind window, f/9, 1/400, iso 2500, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Noise reduction with Neat Image, just a slight bit of feather enhancement with Topaz Detail 3. Image flipped horizontally and canvas added on right and top. Taken March 1st at 10:59 am.

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A great capture of a Chickadee! I love the clean background. I find myself wanting a bit more room on the bottom, and to the right, but I see you mentioned you already added canvas to the right. :slight_smile:

Nice, clean, wonderful colours . No nits ! Cheers, Hans

Excellent detail and a nice complementary background.