Black Capped Chickadee in Flight

This was a bit of luck. It is a little soft but if not enlarged too much, I think it looks ok. Not much more I can do with my PS skills. But I will keep trying.

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iso 320, 100-400 at 400, f6.3, 2000th, A1

It is a little off-focus, but the energy here is just wonderful. Those little guys are corkers! The snow flying behind is a nice element that conveys movement and lift. They are quick little things. Keep shooting them.

Amazingly good for a Chickadee flying toward you, especially in a Northwest winter. Looks like you took advantage of one of our sunny snow days last week. As Kris mentions, the energy is great and I like the composition. The bits of ice kicked up by the take-off add a lot.

Quick reflexes to get this guy, David. The flying bits of snow and ice make the shot for me.

I like the pose of the chickadee with it’s wings extended. I would like to see this with less greenery, for me it pulls attention away from the bird.