
Sony A77II
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 200, 1/50 @ f11
Well this is what passes for a blizzard in Houston :wink:. We have a big crop of snowdrops this year. They’re usually one of the first blooms of the season and a herald of spring to come. Put a little oil paint texture to mask a tiny loss of sharpness in the original. All comments welcome.>=))>

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Bill, these blooms are really sweet, making me anxious for spring, and the texture filter is kind of interesting. You seem to have a very nice soft BG from what little of it I see. But I’m curious: Why so close? O.K. call me crazy, but for me the cramped framing really ruins what otherwise is a fine image. If mine I’d have a good deal more room all around.

Bill: I tend to fill the frame most of the time with my subjects. With these guys there was a lot of unpleasant stuff in the BG like borders and garden statues. I often have to do some contortions to get an angle keeping BG junk out of the frame. For the most part even if I could fix distracting elements in PS I’m generally too lazy and uninspired to do that. For me the capture is still the greatest and most enjoyable part of my photography and especially the DOF/POF challenges in macro and Flora. But you have me thinking about trying to find a wider view. Good reason to get back out there :wink:.

I like this image a lot, Bill. Part of its appeal, for me anyway, is that so many things about it feel backward. I don’t mean that as a weakness at all. It’s a couple of things: a) viewing the backs of the flowers rather than their faces and b) curving and facing left rather than right (which in western culture is often a preferred direction for the eye to travel). Both of these elements make this a surprising image that makes the viewer think a little.

One of my favorite flowers, Bill. I applaud your decision to shoot them from the back-it really works well. The composition is excellent as is the exposure. The bit of oil paint texture seems to work well.

Excellent image.

A most charming image, Bill. Would not have known how you had treated the image - but it certainly works for me.

Bill, it is a little cramped, but I like it anyway. After all, it is a good example of artistic choice. Even more, you have managed to get all three blossoms into thirds range with the crop you chose! Very pleasing image.

Snowdrops are a sure sign that spring is coming! Nicely composed image with the flowers in focus and the background blurred. I prefer the tight crop. After all the snowdrops are the main subject. Thanks for giving me hope that spring is going to come.