
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


On the side of the house we have this wrap-around garden wall that at its tallest is about chest high (the lawn slopes down on a hill), so I often sit on it to see what comes by. When this little one did, I stood up to get more on its level. Yeah, it’s just a nuthatch, but they are so energetic and engaging, not to mention adorable, I had to give it a go despite the dim light. He gave me a handful of good poses, but this one shows off those rusty bloomers so perfectly that it’s my favorite. The set shows their coloration quite well except for one which I turned monochrome, but I’ll put them up later. I love these little honking clowns.

Specific Feedback

Not after anything specifically, this one just works as is, but I’m always open to suggestion.

Technical Details



Lr for the initial work to brighten and improve the luminosity. Ran Denoise AI and then layered it in Photoshop with a TIF from Topaz Sharpen AI. Did a little blending of the Denoised layer in the noisiest parts to smooth the transition. Cropped the resulting file to square and called it good.

I love the typical Nuthatch pose, Kris. I really like the angle you got that shows off the plumage so well. No nits on this one.

Thanks @Dennis_Plank - these guys are hard to go wrong with. Fun to have around.

@Kris_Smith. Oddly, given their huge range, we’re in that little pocket that doesn’t have the white breasted species, so it’s a treat for me.

I can relate to that - there are no titmice or cardinals anywhere near me and it’s weird given their range. My house in NH was dirty with them.

Hi Kris, this shows off every color this bird has to offer. I like the classic pose also. One of my favorite year rounders (unlike the red-breasted) down here. Nice catch.

Thanks @Allen_Sparks - funny about the reds, there were tons in NH and I see them out and about sometimes here in WI, but none in the yard. Very weird.