I took this a few winters ago when I first got my camera and was afraid to use it because I didn’t want to ruin it in the weather. So I used my phone which I totally regret now! But at least my phone had different shutter speed settings so I played around with that and composition and had a fun time!
Specific Feedback Requested
I know I can’t do much with this but I mainly would like feedback on composition and of course whatever else!
Technical Details
Phone. Was able to do slight adjustment to contrast, highlights, exposure, brightness.
You said this was captured with your phone?!?!? WOW! Looks great! It’s very graphic to me, and has a very painterly look and feel to it! I would have most definitely got the camera out for this
Your camera would have been fine! But who knows…maybe the cell phone was the better choice as you got an excellent image from not using the camera! Nice image, I have nothing to add to this.
Thank you @David_Thompson for your kind words! I’m glad you think it works. That means a lot coming from an expert. I love snow and think it really makes the scene, I tried to make it look sort of high key with adjusting the things I did. Thanks for taking the time to do this, I’ve learned a lot!
This is a very cool image Vanessa! The main tree with the snow flanked by a great supporting cast is awesome, and your high key treatment - I love it. Well done!
Gorgeous and dramatic! I love the composition and graphic qualities of the scene. It feels just a bit crowded on the bottom and sides – would be easy to add a bit of canvas there. I love the vignetting, and also the area with more detail in the BG to the left of the center tree.
Love this scene, Vanessa. Your phone did an admirable job! The blowing snow going across the scene gives this such a painterly look. Almost water color like. I love the deep blacks and the white whites. The framing is well done as well. I have nothing to add that can make this better. Well done!!
Thank you @David_Haynes@David_Bostock@Steve_Kennedy@Ola_Jovall@Kris_Smith@Diane_Miller for looking and your comments. I’m so surprised that a phone shot got so much feedback! Unfortunately I don’t have that phone anymore, (the one I have now is awful!) if I did I would maybe consider giving up the camera for it! It actually does make me think about maybe doing more things in auto mode (just do shutter priority) with my camera that way I can just focus on composition which is the funnest part anyway! Thanks!
This looks great Vanessa and I love everything about it! The centred comp is perfect. The exposure is perfect - with the bright whites and the dark blacks and I can definitely feel the cold.
Hi @Lon_Overacker ! Thank you for your compliment! It means a lot. Yeah, I really don’t know what caused the ‘anti-vignette’ as you put it. But I’m glad you think it works. With you saying this is one of your favorites it really makes me reexamine my approach. I think I might need to get back to the basics and focus more on composition and less on settings, like aperture or ISO maybe I should just go auto and do shutter priority, at least for now. Thanks for your support!
Vanessa, this is completely fantastic! It only needs a bit of tweaking to bring out its elegance. Such a delicate subject wants to have some breathing room. The lighter vignette was a start but here’s my take. I think this is worthy of a very large print!!
You can only get away from basics when they are second nature. Composition is everything! And then after that, so are settings and technique and the equipment that lets you have access to the ones needed! But composition needs to come first.
Thanks @Diane_Miller . I like what you did to add some space around the edges. I had to compose it this way to eliminate fences and other manmade objects. I wanted to make it look like you’re in the woods since it really wasn’t! It was the middle part of a rest area!